PSP (Coriolus versicolor e cancro alla prostata)
Un fungo commestibile usato da secoli in Cina e in altri paesi asiatici per le sue qualita’ medicinali, la ‘coda di tacchino’ o Coriolus versicolor, si e’ rivelato altamente efficace nel combattere il cancro alla prostata. Scienziati dell’Universita’ di tecnologia del Queensland (Qut), in Australia, hanno dimostrato che il composto detto polisaccaropeptide (Psp), estratto dal fungo, ha avuto un’efficacia del 100% nel sopprimere lo sviluppo del cancro alla prostata in topi di laboratorio, colpendo le cellule staminali del tumore stesso e sopprimendo la sua formazione.
In una relazione sulla rivista della Public Library of Science, PLoS One, Patrick Ling dell’Istituto per la salute biomedica e l’innovazione della Qut, scrive che i risultati rappresentano un passo importante nel combattere una malattia tra le piu’ diffuse e letali. ‘Cio’ che volevamo dimostrare era se quel composto puo’ arrestare dall’inizio lo sviluppo dei tumori alla prostata… In passato altri inibitori hanno mostrato in sperimentazioni di ricerca un’efficacia del 70%, mentre con il Psp abbiamo osservato un’efficacia del 100%, per di piu’ senza alcun effetto collaterale’.
Ling aggiunge che le terapie convenzionali sono efficaci solo contro certe cellule cancerose, ma non quelle staminali, che danno inizio al cancro e fanno progredire la malattia. Il composto inoltre potra’ migliorare l’efficacia dei trattamenti correnti. ‘Il problema maggiore di tali trattamenti e’ che vi sono sempre dei tumori soffici residui, che resistono alle terapie. Ora potremo eliminare quei tumori residui, colpendo le cellule staminali, e cosi’ rafforzare la sopravvivenza d’insieme dei pazienti’, scrive.
In Asia il Coriolus versicolor e’ ambito da molti secoli per le sue efficacissime sostanze biovitali, per il conseguente valore fisiologico-nutrizionale e per l’effetto stimolante del sistema immunitario, soprattutto grazie all’elevata percentuale di polisaccaridi con legami proteici fra cui il Psp.
Mushroom compound heals cancer stem cells and prevents tumors
NaturalNews) Incredible new research out of Australia has shown that a compound called polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which comes from a type of mushroom called “Turkey Tail,” is 100 percent effective at targeting prostate cancer stem cells and suppressing tumor formation. The research, which has been published in the online journal PLoS ONE, represents the first to show that a natural substance is totally and completely effective in every single trial.
For the study, Dr. Patrick Ling, senior researcher from the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre in Queensland and the Institute for Biomedical Health & Innovation (IHBI) at QUT, and his colleagues fed PSP for 20 weeks to mice with prostate cancer. Compared to another group of prostate cancer mice not given PSP, which subsequently developed prostate tumors, the PSP group remained completely free of tumors.
“The findings are quite significant,” said Dr. Ling. “What we wanted to demonstrate was whether [PSP] could stop the development of prostate tumors in the first place. In the past, other inhibitors tested in research trials have been shown to be up to 70 percent effective, but we’re seeing 100 percent of this tumor prevented from developing with PSP.”
Turkey Tail mushrooms are native to many northern forests around the world, and they have been highly studied for their medicinal benefits. Particularly in China and Japan, Turkey Tail mushrooms are already used as anti-cancer medicine, as well as an antimicrobial, anti-malarial, and immunomodulating natural treatment. And besides PSP, Turkey Tail mushrooms contain many other anti-cancer compounds like beta-glucan-proteins, polysaccharide K (PSK), and ergosterol derivatives, all of which provide substantial health benefits.
“Our findings support that PSP may be a potent preventative agent against prostate cancer, possibly through targeting of the prostate cancer stem cell population,” added Dr. Ling.
Turkey Tail mushroom extracts with high levels of PSP and many other anti-cancer compounds can be found at most natural grocers, health food shops, and online vitamin and supplement venders.
Editor’s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and well-being of all living creatures.
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